Competing for the section leader position of my high school band drum section taught me lessons about life that still hold true in my career today. At the ripe age of sixteen, it was win at all costs, while not taking the time to realize how I got in my own way. Eventually I won that coveted spot as section leader but not before a very smart band director sat me down and mentored me on what winning was really all about. Winning is less about what we win and more about how we got the win, especially our treatment of competitors.
Amazing when you take the time to think about why you may not be winning at your healthcare business or any service business, the one major thing standing in the way is usually YOU. From how you define success to how you go about achieving it, all is reflective of your attitude.
Take a look at these 12 habits and determine if any of them may be contributing to the YOU factor keeping you from being all you can be.
1. Winning too much: The need to win at all costs and in all situations – when it matters, when it doesn’t, and when it’s totally beside the point.
2. Adding too much value: The overwhelming desire to add our two cents to every discussion.
3. Passing judgment: The need to rate others and impose our standards on them
4. Making destructive comments: The needless sarcasms and cutting remarks that we think make us sound sharp and witty.
5. Starting with “No,” “But,” or “However”: The overuse of these negative qualifiers which secretly say to everyone, “I’m right. You’re wrong.”
6. Telling the world how smart we are: The need to show people we’re smarter than they think we are.
7. Speaking when angry: Using emotional volatility as a management tool.
8. Negativity, or “Let me explain why that won’t work”: The need to share our negative thoughts even when we weren’t asked.
9. Withholding information: The refusal to share information in order to maintain an advantage over others.
10. Failing to give proper recognition: The inability to praise and reward.
11. Claiming credit that we don’t deserve: The most annoying way to overestimate our contribution to any success.
12. Making excuses: The need to reposition our annoying behavior as a permanent fixture so people excuse us for it.
13. Playing favorites: Failing to see that we are treating someone unfairly.
14. Refusing to express regret: The inability to take responsibility for our actions, admit when we’re wrong, or recognize how our actions affect others.
15. Not listening: The most passive-aggressive form of disrespect for colleagues.
16. Failing to express gratitude: The most basic form of bad manners.
17. Punishing the messenger: The misguided need to attack the innocent who are usually trying to help us.
16. Passing the buck: The need to blame everyone but ourselves.
How we do our business is a direct reflection of who we are and how we think. Isn’t it interesting that every habit is a reflection of our personal attitude. Change attitudes, which are our habits of thought, and positive results are endless.
To your enduring success,
Coach Nancy

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– Coach Nancy