What is your approach to emotional energy management? How do you prevent emotional fatigue?
This is a frequent topic in coaching conversations as we discuss peak performance, energy management, and burnout. As I wrote in a previous post, energy management has four dimensions: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual (or ritual). We know we are running critically low in our emotional energy when negative emotions become predominant. Fortunately, there are ways to manage negativity and build positive emotions.
- Give yourself permission to play, even at work. Step-back, find the humor, and allow openness. Play with your senses: listen to people laughing, watch funny videos, color, play with words or phrases, anything that will help you engage a playful mindset or attitude. Play can energize you, help you see new patterns, spark your curiosity, and trigger ideas and innovation.
- Phone a friend. Sometimes, picking up the phone can be the last thing we want to do, but it can be the most beneficial. If you haven’t already, hone this skill. Identify three people you could call if you needed someone to “just listen,” and ask them if they would be open to receiving a call and maintaining confidentiality. Then, develop a practice of checking in. It can be a short call, “I’m just calling to call,” or, “I’m just checking in.”
- Find a way to be of service to someone else. When we spend too much time in our own heads it’s easy to lose perspective and forget that we’re not alone. Find a way to offer help or practice a random act of kindness.
Emotional Energy for Organizations
- Provide resources through which people can express anger, disappointment, helplessness, hopelessness, defeat, and depression.
- Establish networks for executive peer support. Historically, these have been based on non-competing industries, but I wouldn’t rule them out entirely. When confidentiality is respected, such networks can foster coopetition. A qualified coach can also offer emotional support for executives, leaders, and managers.
- Ensure you are recognizing and celebrating small victories at work. Frustration, anger, or fear are toxic and can block peak performance. Good feelings are contagious and can replenish our emotional energy.
What do you think? What is your strategy for emotional energy management? I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me here, on LinkedIn, or give me a call: 561-582-6060.

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