How is your work mojo? What action are you taking to pump it up?
This topic is coming up frequently in the discussions I’m having about a successful return to work. Many are excited about the prospects and the future of work, including those who are working to secure a new position.
However, according to a recent article published by Harvard Business Review, there is an estimated 1.5 million white-collar workers furloughed or laid off for six months or more. Many are asking the question, “Where do I go from here?”
When this topic comes up in my coaching conversations, we explore four key components of mojo:
- Knowing yourself well. For example, what are your strengths? How do you perform best? How do you learn best?
- Identifying your core values.
- Determining how your values fit with who you are today.
- Taking action with purpose, power, and increasing ease.
Reflect to Reclaim Your Work Mojo
Thinking about the person you are—what makes you “you”—in a realistic, positive light, can help you reclaim your work mojo. Ask yourself:
- How have I grown in the last decade? The last year?
- To what extent would I want to trade places with who I was 10 years ago? What about two years ago?
- How much do I romanticize my earlier years?
- Who do I think I want to become—and how close am I to becoming my ideal self?
Because the work we do is central to who we think are, it’s important to explore and identify our ideals. This is a purposeful step in becoming and evolving. When we tap into what motivates us in the here and now, we find passion, energy, and direction. I’ll dive in to this a bit more in my next post, but in the meantime, what do you think?
How do you reclaim your work mojo? I’d love to hear from you. You can reach me here, on LinkedIn, or give me a call: 561-582-6060.

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