One of the best decisions upper management can make in healthcare or small business is to promote from within when hiring managers. Nursing managers, administration managers, operations managers, finance managers – you name it – finding a person within your organization who is suited for management is no easy task. But promoting from within saves enormous time when trying to acclimate someone to an organization’s culture.
It also is an incredible motivator to those seeking more in their career.
Here are 5 Tips for Choosing the Right Person for Management
* Have a very clearly defined set of expectations for yourself and them before choosing a manager.
What is it you REALLY want them to do? (help make money is a key component)
Write down those roles and responsibilities well in advance of choosing a manager so the candidate fits the job, not visa versa.
Make sure these roles and responsibilities align with your mission.
* Management is a people job. Look for a people person first and foremost. They should have that positive attitude necessary to lead others.
Identify those folks with good people and organizational skills, and with the ability to see the big picture.
Identify those with a positive outlook and a good sense of humor who demonstrate a “can do” spirit. They will need these traits when things get tough.
Look for people who seek out the best in others.
* Determine who may be interested in accepting more responsibility and taking on a leadership role by asking.
Tenure, loyalty and friendship are not reasons for putting someone in management positions. As a matter of fact, those are the three worst reasons to promote someone.
Leave no stone unturned. The quietest person may be just the one. It’s just no one ever asked them.
Who are those people who are self starters and take personal responsibility for all their actions?
* Seek out people who challenge you and the status quo – you don’t want a “mini me”.
“Yes people” are followers – not leaders.
Find the person who understands where you are going and why and wants to be a part of making that happen.
* Develop a management preparedness program so the right people are ready when the opportunity presents itself.
Have a written training plan for those interested in becoming a manager so they earn the right to be considered. This is a natural weed out process.
Begin delegating people and project responsibilities to those you are grooming with a follow-up process to measure their progress.
Remember taking the extra time to choose the right person on the front end will save countless hours of wasted time for you in the future.
Hiring the right person to help you manage your practice or business is but the first step toward success. The next critical yet often overlooked step is using a qualified management coach to develop those necessary habits, attitudes and behaviors of an exemplary leader once you have made your decision.
To your continued success,
Coach Nancy

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– Coach Nancy