The New Groupthink:
Faulty Brainstorming
I’m raising some questions about the problems with groupthink in teams in this series of posts. Most work gets done by teams, but then some
I’m raising some questions about the problems with groupthink in teams in this series of posts. Most work gets done by teams, but then some
High performing teams are founded on trust. Without trust, there are big problems with teams. Members don’t work well together. Trust is necessary to overcome
One of the complaints I hear frequently from the people I work with as an executive coach is the lack of time to get work
In the book by Alex Pentland called Honest Signals: How They Shape Our World, research reveals four key honest social signals during business conversations: influence,
Part of the problem with getting work done through teams, as I see it, stems from diminishing collaborative work spaces. More than 70 percent of
Many of the problems with teams are obvious, yet some are hidden from view. You may think your team is running along smoothly—and on the
When’s the last time you evaluated your work groups for team effectiveness? A recent survey found that 91 percent of high-level managers believe teams are
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An organization’s health is only as sound as its leader’s decisions. Some companies prosper from wise leadership directions, while others struggle after flawed choices—choices that
How a leader responds to adversity reveals how effective that leader truly is. Reactions to setbacks or crises not only test leadership character but define
Business is an active, demanding endeavor. Only those who consistently apply themselves succeed. Organizations that thrive require leaders who actively dream, plan, engage, solve, pursue,
Surveys and studies indicate global job dissatisfaction is at a two-decade high. Disengaged employees account for nearly 70 percent of the workforce, which significantly affects