Being acknowledged as helpful goes a long way to improve morale and job satisfaction. The funny thing is, “almost half of people express gratitude on a daily basis to immediate family, but less than 15% express daily gratitude to friends or colleagues,” according to the Greater Good Science Center. Smart leaders know that they best way to increase that number—and create a culture of gratitude—is to lead by example.
Noted author and coach DeLores Pressley puts it simply in Smart Business Magazine, authenticity is the best way to make an impression. Phony gratitude is noticeable. Showing your staff that you’re thankful for them is a significant demonstration of gratitude. People who feel valued return the sentiment.
Expressing Authentic Gratitude
When this topic comes up with my coaching clients, we discuss how leaders make it a habit to thank their people. This builds a culture of mutual appreciation and emulation. For example, find ways to reach out to them and add value with thanks, appreciation, congratulations for accomplishments and helpfulness. Giving them your best, with your time and your skills, tells them you’re grateful for having them on your staff.
Leaders of a culture of gratitude point to the positives in everyday activities. Of course, there are negative issues in every organization, but lamenting with grumbling or resentment drags everyone down. Instead, emphasizing a focus on positive solutions or valued lessons learned draws out thankfulness in everyone. Building on positives enhances the opportunities for more, and it unites people in a common, worthy cause. That’s worth being thankful for, too!
Believing in your leadership abilities and the skills of your people, giving them grace when they err and support when they succeed, crafts a positive and grateful culture that has no limits. Make it your example and your expectation that a positive, thankful mindset is what your organization needs in order to prosper.
What do you think? How are you building a culture of gratitude? I’d love to hear from you. You can call me at 561-582-6060, let’s talk. And as always, I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.

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