Organizational and personal assessments are used to understand what areas of an organization are working or not working together, and how to maximize the potential of individual performance.
Organizational Assessments
D.I.AL.O.G which stands for Data Indicating ALignment of Organizational Goals is a web-based, organizational assessment tool that provides our network of Consultants and Coaches and their clients data driven information on how the organizational elements are working or not working together in their organization. Then, our Consultants use the employee driven data to help the client identify areas of improvement and create implementation plans for future growth. Trusted Advisors’ proprietary assessment gives our Trusted Advisors a unique ability to obtain usable data paramount to the success of their client engagements.
Focused Leadership Assessment
Want to get a quick assessment on the quality of the leadership within your organization? Take 5 minutes and answer these 20 questions.
Personal Assessments
Understanding the What, Why, and How of Individual Performance

The What - Attribute Index
The Attribute Index™ is a personal assessment tool that provides information about WHAT natural talents a person possesses correlated to how a person thinks and makes decisions. By understanding the way in which a person thinks, it becomes possible to leverage that knowledge to make better decisions, maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, and achieve greater results personally and organizationally.

The How - DISC Index
The DiSC Index™ measures HOW a person prefers to behave and communicate. It provides information about a person’s natural and adaptive behavioral styles, which is crucial when working with team members, as a leader or manager, or in an environment that requires conflict resolution. By understanding behavior and communication preferences, you can better align your environment, and select the work that ensures more meaning and success while producing less stress. Our contemporary version of DISC maximizes the use of all data collected to provide more robust results along with providing information on how each dimension assessed can be used to support the individual’s success.

The Why - Values Index
The Values Index™ measures WHY you are motivated to use your natural talents and delivers the most comprehensive understanding of a person’s value or motivational structure. Understanding what really motivates or drives a person is a crucial part of success. It is this understanding that helps to ensure that optimal motivation, passion, and drive are always created to achieve the highest levels of personal and professional success.