As humans, we are hardwired for kindness. It helps us work together to survive. And yet, it can be difficult to be kind when we are stressed out, over-whelmed, or exhausted. How do you expand kindness in the workplace under these circumstances?
“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”
Philo of Alexandria
It’s important to practice self-kindness. I wrote about this in my last post, here. It also helps to have friends at work. While some argue that friendships between a leader and an employee are near impossible, I contest that it’s worth the effort. With clear boundaries, you can manage the professional and personal relationship.
When this topic comes up in my coaching conversations, we discuss the skills and emotional courage needed, as well as the need to avoid the formation (or reputation) of an exclusive clique. For leaders and managers, I recommend the practice of mindful acts of kindness.
Mindful Acts of Kindness
There are two components of mindful acts of kindness:
- Consideration and action regarding the social conditions, practices, and policies that prevent employees from finding the good in human nature.
- Random acts of kindness conducted in mindful ways that are sensitive, inclusive, and equitable.
Both of these components focus on treating everyone with mutual care and respect:
- Practice honesty with consideration. Brutal feedback is not kind. Be clear, direct, and compassionate.
- Show you care with unconditional acceptance. While you might not like or accept certain behavior, separate the action from the person.
- Step through fear to do what is right, right now. Be courageous, and practice justice and compassion for all.
- Welcome others into your circle. Extend kindness to everyone; grow your circle of friends.
Even the smallest of mindful acts of kindness can go a long way. While the biochemical boost is powerful, research has found it only lasts three to four minutes. That’s why it’s so important to make kindness an ongoing practice.
What do you think? How do you expand kindness in the workplace? I’d love to hear from you. I can be reached here, on LinkedIn, or give me a call: 561-582-6060.

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