Lower Barricades to Promote Unity


As a leader, how do you lower barricades your people face? Most people want to be productive and proud of their work. Oftentimes, circumstances beyond their control prevent this. But leaders who promote a culture of unity actively take note of the obstacles and barriers people face, and fix compelling problems.

I’ve been writing about this in recent posts. Leaders owe their people a vibrant future, and great leaders help their people feel fulfilled, individually and collectively. They take note of what people struggle with, and attempt to make their lives easier by showing care and concern. Simply telling your people they matter, without demonstrating it, is the easiest way to destroy their trust and work ethic. Words must be accompanied by swift action; otherwise, trust falters.

Assess Bottlenecks

Organizational environments may prevent people from feeling satisfied, so it’s imperative to access bottlenecks. When this topic comes up with my coaching clients, a little probing can reveal overlooked problems:

  • Are your methods and procedures taxing or wasteful?
  • What about working conditions?
  • Are people crammed together, with no room to work and little privacy?
  • Is their environment noisy or distracting enough to hamper their focus?
  • Do they have ample light to see what they’re doing?
  • Is each team member tackling the work of three or four people?
  • Are people putting in relentlessly long workdays?

Employees often complain about too much work and insufficient resources. Saving money while your people burn out benefits no one in the long run. And an oppressive environment kills unity. Instead, address issues to improve attitudes and promote unity.

Leaders who commit to solving problems forge even greater unity when they empower their people to be part of the solution. Employees feel valued when they’re trusted as experts and problem-solvers, knowing the company needs them to realize leadership’s vision. A culture built on collaboration and appreciation reaps the benefits of greater unity.

I’ll dive into this a bit deeper in my next post. In the meantime, what do you think? What other ways do you lower barricades to promote unity in your organization? What has been the impact? I’d love to hear from you. You can call me at 561-582-6060, let’s talk. And as always, I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.
