Positive Leaders: Genuine and Authentic


Are you a positive leader?

It’s not just a matter of being “nicer” or more appreciative to people at work. Positive leaders place a higher value on integrity, honor, service to others, caring and truthfulness. They put into practice communication skills that bring out the best in others.

You see, a positive mindset eliminates the need for ego or pride. Fulfillment comes from the joy of positivity and self-worth. Consider these three questions:

  1. How do you respond to a very negative event, situation or confrontation?
  2. How do you respond to a very positive event, situation or encounter?
  3. Are your responses equal in intensity?

If you tend to respond more strongly to negative events, you may be experiencing the negativity effect. Something very positive will generally have less of an impact; in extreme cases, you may simply not notice it.

Unfortunately, this negativity effect also impacts decision-making and risk considerations. But when leaders have a more positive character, their thoughts, behavior, instincts and responses are more receptive to organizational needs. They see a brighter future in which problems become opportunities.

In The Power of Positive Leadership: How and Why Positive Leaders Transform Teams and Organizations and Change the World (Wiley, 2017), Jon Gordon suggest building positivity by minimizing the negative influences around you. Reject negative behaviors like complaining, gossip, selfishness, apathy and untruthfulness. This increases your ability to transition to positivity, while simultaneously reshaping the culture.

Your employees will experience their own character shifts when leadership no longer tolerates negative behavior. Negative people around you become uncomfortable when behaviors and comments are met with disapproval. Your encouragement makes positivity more appealing to them.

Direct reports support and appreciate leaders whose positive character inspires transformation. As people choose to follow you, your care for them will grow, as will your spirit of service.

By diligently building a more positive character, followed by persistence in pursuing it, you and your people will ultimately refuse to live any other way.

What do you think? Are you a positive leader? I’d love to hear from you. You can call me at 561-582-6060, or, I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.
