Like great works of art, a good manager is hard to define. But ask anyone how to define a bad manager, and be prepared for a litany. Most people know it when they work for one. Quiet managers often fall in to this category.
Of course, much of their behavior is, well, quiet. Employees won’t see them milling about, engaged in small talk or asking how the weekend went. As Beatrice Chestnut, PhD emphasizes in her book, The 9 Types of Leadership: Mastering the Art of People in the 21st Century Workplace (Post Hill Press, 2017), quiet leaders’ need to be alone. They limit themselves to their office space and meeting rooms, when an appearance is required. An open-door policy is a rarity.
Have you noticed how quiet managers shy away from social settings? While they enjoy technical or analytical conversations, they show discomfort in social ones. Communication is most comfortably conducted remotely. A quiet manager is unlikely to partake in social events during lunch hour or after work, choosing solitude instead.
Quiet managers also avoid contact with outspoken employees who always have something to say, enjoy creating controversy, or spark disputes and disruption. (This is really not uncommon; who does enjoy this?) But quiet managers lack ability to maintain control, which becomes obvious when interpersonal issues go unmanaged or are allowed to fester. Poor employee performance may be similarly dismissed, provoking coworker resentment and further disruption. In contrast, they effectively deal with technical issues that require purely intellectual skills.
Staff performance evaluations are strained, if they actually occur. The entire process may be lacking, leaving employees unsure of how they’re doing. Salary assessments, which can be emotional, are frequently sidestepped.
Quiet managers take pleasure in dealing with objective issues that make use of their analytical expertise. They examine issues to the nth degree and often frustrate their people by procrastinating. A quiet manager sometimes wants more data when more is unobtainable. They refuse to rely on feelings or instinct to help make decisions.
Another indicator of quiet management is a reluctance to seek others’ opinions or perspectives. These managers try to become expert in a specific issue that relies on their singular assessment. Consequently, they avoid delegation, taking on extra tasks and choosing not to engage or train people. They fail to explain their expectations, so staff often doesn’t know where things stand.
Each of these behavioral traits presents an awkward situation, resulting in some level of organizational difficulty. When combined, they lead to significant dysfunction. Without corrective measures, the damage often becomes irreparable.
What do you think? Have you experienced other behaviors with this type of management? I’d love to hear from you. You can call me at 561-582-6060, or, I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.

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