There’s a big shift in the qualities required for today’s new hires; leaders seem to be looking more at who a person is, and how well they interact and work with others—not just what a person has accomplished, their education, experience and technical skills. This is even more true when it comes to career advancement. It’s not as simple as getting more training; effective development touches every aspect of an employee’s experience, including technical, managerial and interactive skills.
I wrote about this in my last post. The employees who contribute the most to their company are given the ability to know what they’re doing, apply what they know, enjoy what they do and grow to do more. Leaders can help their employees (and organization) through specific processes.
Career planning is an often-overlooked process that identifies an employee’s ambitions, skills and opportunities to grow, as seen from a long-term perspective. Companies should always be mindful of how each employee can maximize their potential and provide the most value.
Career plans are highly individualized, focused on the goals the employee and leader agree are worth attaining. Development steps are documented and tracked to make the process effective. You must guide, encourage and assist the employee along the way to make their experience fulfilling and provide the best outcomes.
Any worthwhile plan has measurable means of tracking progress and accomplishment. Criteria for development success are not difficult to create but are necessary to assess the status of the employee’s journey. A milestone may be to complete a series of formal training or finish a project using newly attained skills.
Another process-related aspect of employee development may actually be the minimization of some processes. In other words, reduce the red tape and technicalities workers often face in the completion of assignments. A mindful leader will mend political fences or streamline an official approval procedure to help an employee accomplish their work.
When this topic comes up with my coaching clients, we discuss the importance of identifying, reducing or redirecting mundane tasks or routine busywork whenever possible. Put as much authority into the employee’s hands as you can and their growth will accelerate. You’re interested in developing new skills and expertise, and people need the time to do that.
What do you think? What processes do you use in effective employee development? I’d love to hear from you. You can call me at 561-582-6060, or, I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.

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