Great Leaders of Change Plan


By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. ~ Benjamin Franklin

Are you a leader of change? I wrote about why this is so important in my last post (if you missed it, you can read it by clicking on the left arrow key, or clicking here.) As Marshall Goldsmith wrote, “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There.” Your “there” is your vision. To get “there,” you need a plan.

Great leaders of change know that change has no chance of success without an effective plan. Their plans include the participation of managers and staff, and when appropriate, outside resources. They are realistic regarding scope, timing and staffing; nothing crushes a vision faster than a plan that can’t be accomplished well.

How can you ensure that these things are properly considered? Ask your experts: your people. Leaders develop successful plans by involving their people—getting their input, their ideas and their buy-in. An engaged staff is the primary resource a leader has in seeing a vision to fruition. It’s no longer the leader’s vision; it’s everyone’s vision.

An involved staff is made responsible for their assigned tasks. While each person is held accountable, leaders also encourage them to help each other. The plan comes together with this collective effort, where walls are taken down and territories are de-emphasized.

Organizing people into special task forces or teams can make effective use of their skills and time. Give them authority to make decisions or enhance the plan. An empowered team finds even better solutions and innovations. This enhances their sense of purpose and value. Their enthusiasm will be contagious and augment your promotional efforts.

Invest in Your Vision and Plan

Even the greatest plan for change cannot be fulfilled without the proper resources. The fastest way to lose the enthusiasm you established in your people is to sabotage their efforts by withholding the resources they need to make the changes your plan calls for.

Again, your people are the experts in understanding what they need. It may be new policies or procedures. It may be equipment or systems. It could require more people: either with the same skills or new skillsets the group doesn’t currently have. Talent may simply need to be repurposed, switching people’s roles to accomplish the plan.

Regardless, leaders need to be open to making the investments needed whether in daily expenditure or capital investment. This is a point stressed by MIT lecturer Douglas Ready in his HBR article, 4 Things Successful Change Leaders Do Well. Leaders who support short and long-term investment plans have the greatest chances of realizing their vision. Proper investments not only make the plan feasible during its implementation, but keep the vision (and the company) strong long after the changes are made.

Great leaders of change invest for the future, willing to bear short-term pain for long-term gain. They motivate their people to appreciate the investments and make the most effective use of them.

What do you think? How do you establish a plan when leading change? I’d love to hear from you. You can call me at 561-582-6060, or, I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.
