How strong is your personal brand?
Leaders, while valuing the need to perform well and meet commitments, also benefit by strengthening their brand. The fundamental foundation is reputation. The building blocks are behaviors.
Undoubtedly, we measure leaders for how they act, especially in tough and trying situations. Leaders with strong personal brands have honed their personal skills to be reliable and trustworthy under pressure. This includes being calm, reasonable and poised.
At the root of this is an inner wholeness and authenticity. I wrote about this in my last post. Wholeness stems from a positive inner alignment of the leader’s sense of identity, purpose and passion about life, oneself, and one’s work.
These leaders are genuine. They demonstrate transparency and humility and are trustworthy. Their brand stands out as a pleasant departure from a leadership norm that lacks these traits.
Such a brand of refinement and integrity is admirable. There coexists a rare combination of inner peace coupled with energetic drive to make the world a better place. If you are a leader known for doing the right thing, being responsible for your actions, taking the heat and issuing credit, then your brand will rise to the top.
Having confidence in your abilities, based on your competence and experience, is a great brand booster. People can see this in how you speak and carry yourself. However, if this carries over into overconfidence, pride or arrogance, your brand gets tarnished.
Use Your Strengths
Other personality traits can help to build a solid brand. Leaders who are firm, but fair, earn high praise. People want the ability to do their jobs well, and understanding when conditions prevent it. Fair treatment, acknowledgment and reward are only some of the benefits employees receive when their leaders have a strong personal brand.
Leaders who are curious and teachable are far more attractive than self-professed know-it-alls. Sure, people want leaders who know what they’re doing, are prepared, and can anticipate things that go south; because they do. But a leader with a growth mindset has a much stronger brand than a leader with a fixed mindset.
What do you think? What are you doing to strengthen your personal brand? I’d love to hear from you. You can call me at 561-582-6060, let’s talk. And as always, I can be reached here, or on LinkedIn.

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