Humble Leaders: Undedicated Need Not Apply


Some leaders believe authority, power and even intimidation are best to run organizations and achieve results. I believe this is a detriment, not an advantage. Our need for humble leaders—leaders with a desire to serve and dedication to bettering others—is at an all-time high.

What about you?

Where do you fall in this scale?

Would you call yourself a humble leader?

These are some tough questions, but it’s worth honest and courageous reflection. Consider the following questions:

  1. Do you frequently lose your temper? Perhaps you’re short with people or pressing your points without regarding theirs. (I see this happen all the time.) Take stock of how people respond to you. Is there an issue with your approach? If your employees try to avoid you or resist bringing up difficult topics, you may be overbearing. Focus on being calm and collected, and recognize the harm caused by a lack of kindness or empathy. Put yourself in the shoes of a person confronted with your gruff approach.
  2. Are you a focused listener? Are people frustrated because they can’t complete their sentences with you? Do you make sense of their points, or have you missed part of the conversation? Do people’s comments indicate that you don’t understand their perspective? Practice better listening skills by eliminating distractions and making a deliberate effort to grasp everything someone is saying. Imagine being quizzed on the conversation to see if you’ve caught every point. Ask questions to verify what you were told. (If this embarrasses you, use it as an incentive to listen better.)
  3. Are you too focused on your own image? Do you build yourself up at others’ expense? Do their victories end up on your bragging list to impress your boss? Do you give your people a chance to present how they accomplished their tasks? Great leaders don’t need to grab credit. They earn much more respect when their people get the credit. When they stop focusing on their own image, and instead focus on how others can use their help in finding their own way, they effectively lead others.

What do you think? Are you a humble leader? Is there room to improve? I’d love to hear from you. You can call me at 561-582-6060, or, I can be reached here or on LinkedIn.
