A key method of learning to lead is to ask yourself questions about your work. The questions you ask yourself will reveal your leadership stories.
I’ve been writing a lot about learning better leadership skills through examining our stories. There’s a good reason for this. I’m intrigued by people and their stories. And I’ve listened so many times to clients who come into executive coaching tell stories about their work.
Sometimes these leadership stories reflect purpose, truth and a plan. But more often, they reflect faulty thinking and out-dated assumptions. Some people tell stories that deplete their energy. Many of us tell stories that won’t take us to where we want to go.
We spend more than half our waking lives consumed by our work. It’s not a choice for most people. But while we accept having to work, we still have many other choices and a lot to say about its meaning. How we frame our stories about work is critical if you want any chance at fulfillment and happiness.
So let me ask you some questions, please.
- How do you describe your relationship to work?
- Is it a burden and a source of stress?
- Is it enjoyable, a source of pleasure?
- Or is it somewhere in-between?
More questions to ask yourself about your work:
- What compels you to get up every day and go to work?
- Are you driven by money, power, prestige, social status?
- Or is it a means to an end, like providing for yourself and your loved ones?
If you’re interest in discovering more about your work stories, I invite you to take a piece of note paper and write a few answers down. Or open a fresh word doc. Write out how you experience your work life, in both positive and negative ways.
Then share your answers with a trusted peer, mentor or professional coach. If you need a coach, call me and let’s talk!

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