Leadership Presence: Express Your Passionate Purpose
As a leader, you need to imbue your words, actions and stories with passion and authenticity. Emotional expressiveness is a matter of choice of words.
As a leader, you need to imbue your words, actions and stories with passion and authenticity. Emotional expressiveness is a matter of choice of words.
What are some ways you can build leadership presence through your nonverbal expression of emotions? Authors Kathy Lubar and Belle Linda Halpern suggest in their
In your organization, is there any kind of emotional leadership, or are bosses pretty well buttoned-up? How easy is it for people to express their
Not many leaders I know are comfortable with emotions in business. When leaders communicate, they often focus on content and message clarity and overlook its
How well do the leaders in your organization express their emotions? What about you? Do you appropriately articulate your feelings? Do you use emotional expressiveness
It’s a fact that women are judged on more appearance factors than men, when it comes to executive presence. When a woman is judged for
Women leaders are judged more on appearances than men. Research shows that women are judged on many more appearance factors than men. Their dress, body
Let’s be honest, appearances matter when it comes to being perceived as leadership potential. Like it or not, we’re judged on how we look as
It’s difficult to speak about leadership potential without discussing appearances. Harder still is to give or get feedback on appearances at work without people getting
Good leaders have great communication skills. I’ve been posting recently about how important asking power questions is along with being a power listener for anyone
Join Nancy as she talks with Meredith Hirsh, her client, on her podcast, Working Healthcare. Learn when to seek a therapist versus a coach and
Listening may be the most difficult skill to master when communicating effectively. But master it, we can! The non-verbal part of communicating is the most
How do you test your leadership insights? “Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.” ~ Dr. Albert, Szent-
An organization’s health is only as sound as its leader’s decisions. Some companies prosper from wise leadership directions, while others struggle after flawed choices—choices that